
Thursday, January 26, 2012

De-segregating Fraction Circles

A funny thing happened today when we were began our unit on fractions.  Our discussion started off simple: equal parts and what are they.  They are the same size, shape, and they match.  Okay, simple.  Then I brought out the fraction circles and had the kids explore them.

The kids noticed right away that they had to match the colored pieces to make a full circle.  They were especially pleased with themselves because we had just been talking about equal parts and they discovered that each piece was equal.

Perhaps it was because we were studying segregation and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. last week, but I looked at the circles and said "Hey, let's see if we can desegregate these guys!"  Most of the first graders looked up at me with the most puzzled faces they could muster, but a few of them actually figured out what I was trying to say.  "So you mean, mix up the colors?"  Yes!!  Who says the reds have to stay with the reds, or the blues have to stay with the blues.  Let's mix them up and see if we can still make a circle. 

Granted, life doesn't always work out so cut and dry, but this turned out great!  The kids had a grand ol' time mixing up the parts, finding out what worked and what didn't.  We will continue to work with our fraction circles all week, and though we'll have to revert back to our segregation days for a couple of lessons, the kids and I know that desegregation is much more fun!

A hui hou!

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